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former presidents


“Bagrat Sargsyan Breaks Silence: ‘I Have Only Met Serzh Sargsyan’, Urges Protesters to Join Streets”

Former president Serzh Sargsyan is the only one the journalist has met with, according to Holy Bagrat Sargsyan. He invited protestors to join them in the streets, as they headed to Syunik province. The destination appears to be the MIP writing room, without entering it. The march participants also applied to the Constitutional Court.


“Head of “Civil Contract” Party Blames Former Presidents for Armenia’s Current Crisis in Artsakh”

The head of “Civil Contract” party blames former presidents and Artsakh leadership for current crisis. Pashinyan’s failure to implement peacebuilding processes is highlighted by Baghdasaryan. Journalists demand clarification on the full implementation of negotiations.

“Former Artsakh President Samvel Babayan Debunks Sabotage Allegations, Meets with Former Officials”

Former president Samvel Babayan denies sabotage attempts and meets with officials to discuss the matter, according to a statement by the head of Artsakh Parliament’s “Justice” faction.