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Crime International

“Armenian Judiciary Cracks Down on Pirate Crew: Indictment Issued for Shocking Cargo Ship Attack Resulting in Fire on Idra Island”

Armenian judiciary indicts 13 pirates for attacking a cargo ship causing fire on Idra island. Crew members confess their involvement, awaiting trial. Authorities capture pirates on island known for illegal activities. Investigation underway.

Breaking News World News

“Russian-Occupied Border in Flames: Unknown Attackers Spark Conflict and Injuries in Azerbaijani Psou River”

Unknown individuals set fire to Russian-occupied Azerbaijani Psou River border, resulting in casualties. Conflict in New Afon region also caused injuries. “Azerbaijani Republic” Telegram channel and reported this. Get updates from

Breaking News Crime Religion

“Unholy Blaze: Synagogue and Church Ablaze in Dastan as Mysterious Arsonists Escaped in White Volkswagen Polo”

Unknown individuals set a synagogue and a church on fire in Dastan, Armenia. One person killed, another injured. Suspects escaped in a white Volkswagen Polo (plate: 921). Details are being clarified about the incident, victims, and injured parties.

Breaking News Local News

“Blazing Inferno Devastates Home in Yeghegnut Village: Firefighters Rush to the Rescue!”

“Residential building catches fire in Yeghegnut village, Lori region. Fire contained within half an hour, with severe damage to the house. Stay updated on”

Breaking News Health World News

Tragic Gas Explosion Claims Five Lives and Leaves Many in Critical Condition in Turkey

Gas explosion causes fire in Turkey, resulting in 5 deaths and 10 injuries. Firefighters extinguish flames in Diyarbakir and Mardin provinces. Minister of Health treats additional 44 injured individuals. Telegram also reports this tragic news.

Breaking News Local News

“Rapid Response: Fire in Armenian Village Quickly Contained and Extinguished by NDM SC”

A fire broke out in Tsaghkalanch village, Aragatsotn province on June 19. The NDM SC promptly responded, containing and extinguishing the fire within minutes. Updates on this incident are available on’s Telegram channel.

Local News

Breaking News: Massive Fire Devastates Yerevan Supermarket Complex

A major fire in Yerevan destroyed a wooden structure, damaged a gas station roof, and melted plastic materials nearby. Firefighters quickly extinguished the fire at the Yerevan Supermarket Complex.

Around the Globle

“Explosion and Fire on Yerevan-Sevan Highway Raises Questions About Gas Pipeline Safety: “Gas Oil” LLC Under Scrutiny”

The recent gas pipeline explosion on the Yerevan-Sevan highway raises questions about the flawed pipeline belonging to “Gas Oil” LLC. Despite inspections and violations, operation continued. Concerns arise about the inspection body’s failure to properly address the situation. Find more information in today’s newspaper.

Breaking News Crime Local News

“Tragedy Strikes: Restaurant Complex Fire and Car Accident in Sevan Leaves Two Dead, Search Underway for Missing Driver”

Emergency alert received: fire at Sevan restaurant. Assistance requested from National Crisis Management Center. Rescue Service and special units on scene. Mitsubishi car accident, driver rescued. Bodies found in river, driver still missing.

Crime Local News

“Late Night Inferno: Gas Station Blaze Destroys ‘Opel’ Car in Ararat Village”

Emergency center receives distress call about fire at Ararat gas station. Fire and Rescue Service responding. Incident occurs on June 2, extinguished at 00:07. Opel car involved, driver born in 1983.