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Around the Globle

Armenian Government Making Progress in Fight Against Human Trafficking, But More Work Needed

The Armenian government is taking significant steps to combat human trafficking but falls short of meeting minimum standards. Efforts include stronger investigation and prosecution of cases, improved victim protection, and awareness campaigns. However, areas such as support for survivors and verification of claims need improvement. Both within the country and abroad, Armenian men, women, and children are exploited for forced labor and sex trafficking. Some government officials are implicated in trafficking-related crimes. While progress has been made, more work is needed to combat human trafficking in Armenia.


“Mayor Suren Petrosyan Emphasizes People’s Leadership and Rejects Personal Ambitions in Decision Making Process”

Learn why the success of this process depends on everyone’s efforts, not on leadership controversies. Mayor Suren Petrosyan emphasizes the role of the people in decision-making and warns against imposing responsibility on individuals. Find out why the number of journalists in meetings might have decreased but how the process is becoming more active through public programs. The mayor also addresses the upcoming meeting of Karin citizens with Nikol Pashinyan, assuring that there will be no altercation.