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“Hungarian Official Urges Return of Azerbaijani Order to ECHR: Transparency and Action Needed, says Peter Seisenbacher”

The Azerbaijani order must be returned to ECHR, according to Hungary’s Peter Seisenbacher. He believes European politicians should be more active and address concerns directly. The issue was raised at a meeting in Strasbourg. Stay updated with on Telegram.

Education Human Rights Religion

“ECHR Supports Ban on Headscarves: Controversial Ruling Shakes Belgium’s Education System”

ECHR upholds headscarf ban in Flemish primary schools, rejecting appeal from Muslim girls. Ban applies to all visible religious symbols, not just Islamic headscarves. Court’s decision is final.


“Artsakh’s Return: ECHR Excludes Discussion, Focus on Negotiations and Fulfilling Obligations, says Parliamentary-Legal Committee Chairman”

The return of Artsakh was not discussed in the ECHR. It can only be addressed during negotiations after fulfilling all relevant obligations. Discussions may occur remotely, depending on the ECHR’s mandate approval and information from mediators.