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“US Dollar Loses Ground in Armenia: Exchange Rate Drops to 403.61 Drams”

See the latest exchange rates in Armenia: USD decreased to 403.61 drams, Euro to 438.52 drams, GBP to 513.96 drams, and RUB to 4.50 drams. Banks offer USD at 400-402 drams, Euro at 429-435 drams, and RUB at 4.23-4.48 drams. Stay up-to-date with

“Armenian Exchange Rates: US Dollar Declines, Euro and Pound Show Gains – Check the Latest Rates!”

Today’s exchange rates for the US dollar, euro, British pound, and Russian ruble in Armenia. The dollar decreased to 405.24 drams, while the euro increased to 441.48 drams. Banks are buying and selling currencies at different rates. Stay updated with the latest news from Armenia on

“Armenian Exchange Rates Fall: US Dollar Drops to 405.49 Drams, Euro and Ruble Also Suffer Declines”

The exchange rate of the US dollar in Armenia decreased to 405.49 drams compared to the previous day, while the euro and pound rates also changed. Learn more at

“Armenian Central Bank reveals daily currency rates: USD drops, Euro rises, Pound and Ruble on the rise”

USD exchange rate today, January 11, at 405.01 drams, decreased 0.47 drams from previous day. Euro, British pound, and Russian ruble rates also changed.
News from Armenia.

“Bank Mishap Leaves Displaced Person Shortchanged by 25,000 Drams: Efforts to Resolve Issue Reach Deadlock”

Bank accidentally keeps 50,000 drams instead of 75,000 during transfer. “Hayastan” Foundation’s attorney highlights failed attempts to resolve the issue for a month. Central Bank director mentions exceptions may require additional procedures. Transfer data requested to resolve the problem.

Exchange rates soar in Armenia: US dollar reaches 405.61 drams

The US dollar exchange rate in Armenia is 405.61 drams, with the euro at 443.49 drams and the pound at 515.98 drams. Russian ruble stands at 4.51 drams. Find the rates at Armenian, European, and Russian banks. Source:

“Dollar Soars in Armenian Markets: Exchange Rate Hits 405.42 Drams, Central Bank Reports”

The US dollar exchange rate increases to 405.42 drams, while the Euro rises to 444.14 drams and the British pound to 515.09 drams. Russian ruble also increases to 4.44 drams. For current rates, see

“US Dollar Dips, Euro and Pound Drop: Armenia’s Exchange Rates as of December 29”

Find out the current exchange rates of the US dollar, Euro, British pound, and Russian ruble in Armenia. Get the latest rates and information from the official website of the Central Bank and learn about the rates in Armenian banks and currency exchange points. Stay updated with for more news from Armenia.

Armenian Currency Update: US Dollar Decreases, Euro and Pound Soar

US dollar exchange rate in Armenia decreases, while Euro and British Pound increase. In Armenian banks, US dollar is bought at 400-403 drams and sold at 407.50-408 drams. Euro is bought at 441-444 drams and sold at 457-459 drams. Ruble is bought at 4.17-4.44 drams and sold at 4.52-4.68 drams.

“Exchange Rates Hold Steady as US Dollar Stays Unchanged, Euro and Pound See Modest Increases”

The exchange rates of the US dollar, euro, British pound, and Russian ruble in Armenia banks, Eurozone banks, and Russian banks. At the exchange points, the US dollar is bought at 404 drams and sold at 407 drams.