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Dmitry Peskov

Breaking News World News

“Putin Updates: President Informed of Devastating Wildfires as Emergency Situation Unfolds”

Vladimir Putin updated on wildfires, receiving regular reports. Head of Federal Forestry Agency visits site of wildfires in Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Casualties in music studio attack being investigated as “terrorist act”. News from Armenia –

International Military Politics

“Russia Warns Against NATO’s Expansion into South Caucasus, Predicts Escalating Regional Tensions”

Expanding NATO activities in South Caucasus may intensify tensions, warns Dmitry Peskov, Russia’s president spokesperson. He says it violates Caucasian countries’ rights and vows to protect interests. Source:

International Military Politics

“Chief of Staff of Armenia’s President Denies Orders Regarding Russian Armed Forces Chief”

Dmitry Peskov, Chief of Staff of the President of Armenia, confirms no open orders regarding Russian Armed Forces’ Chief of Staff Alexander Moiseev. Classified orders will be communicated by RIA Novosti. Peskov states no open orders requiring publication exist. Alexander Moiseev appointed Chief of Staff of Russian Armed Forces by Vladimir Putin.

International Politics World News

Armenia’s Withdrawal from EEU Signals Shift in External Political Power: Russian President Hopes for Increased Influence Together

Armenia is hopeful about withdrawing from the EEU, as it aims to enhance its external political power. Russian President Peskov emphasized the effective cooperation between Russia and Armenia, highlighting Armenia’s growing influence in the international arena. The Armenian public is said to benefit from this, and the Russian government is confident that decisions regarding Armenia’s external political power will consider these factors. Cooperation between the two countries is encouraged for increased competence and influence. News from Armenia –

Around the Globle

“Kreml Opting for Silence: No Comment on Navalny’s Statement”

Kreml remains silent on Alexei Navalny’s statement as there is nothing more to address. Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin’s spokesperson, confirmed that the president was informed about the ECHR decision. When asked if they would comment on Navalny’s statement, Kreml responded succinctly. On February 16, the press service of the Russian Presidential Administration reported on Navalny’s death in relation to the completion of the Russian Federation’s operative measures.

Putin’s Visit to Turkey: President to Be Informed of Timing

Russian President Vladimir Putin will be informed about his visit to Turkey, according to Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin’s spokesperson. The visit, expected on February 12, follows discussions and agreements reached with Turkish President Erdogan. Updates to come.

Russian President’s Spokesman Slams German Publication’s ‘Baddies’ Terminology in Military Intervention Article

Russian President’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov criticizes Bild for its publication on “Russia’s plan for military intervention in Germany,” stating their recent avoidance of using the term “baddies.” Bild had recently linked Germany’s armed forces plan to a possible NATO direction.

“Yerevan and Baku on the Verge of Ceasefire Agreement, Russian President’s Spokesperson Announces”

Yerevan and Baku near ceasefire agreement, with hopes of finalizing it soon, says Russian President’s press secretary. Ceasefire will benefit both countries and region, promoting peace and stability. Short-term contacts with leaders have been effective in the past, open to further communication.

“Russian Spokesperson Calls Investigation into Ukrainian Election Interference ‘Absurd Process’ with No Potential Results”

Russian President Putin’s spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, dismisses the investigation into alleged Russian interference in Ukraine’s election as a farce, claiming no evidence. Peskov believes the process is absurd and will yield no results. Ukraine President Zelensky acknowledges the lack of dialogue with Russia on the investigation, referring to it as a “game.”

“Russian President Putin Ready to Tread with Caution: Seeks Cooperation with US in Wake of Elections, Says Spokesperson”

Russian President’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov explains that President Vladimir Putin is willing to collaborate with individuals who acknowledge the need to approach Russia cautiously and consider its interests. However, he also states that Putin will regard the US as a leader who adopts a more constructive stance.