
The perfect balance on news and information


Around the Globle

“Ancient Hellenistic Trading Shipwreck in Cyprus Provides New Insight into Alexander the Great’s Era”

Discover the fascinating story of the ancient shipwreck found in Kyrenia, Cyprus. New research using organic material like wood and ivory has revealed that the ship dates back to around 280 BC. This well-preserved example of ancient naval architecture is shedding light on maritime technology of the time. Read more in the PLOS ONE journal.

International Local News Politics

“Armenia Refuses to Join EEU Declaration on Cyprus Situation” – Prime Minister’s Spokesperson Confirms

Armenia abstains from joining EEU’s declaration on Cyprus situation, spokesperson confirms. EEU member states condemn recent Moscow terrorist attack.

International Military Politics

“US Military to Establish Maritime Security Zone in Cyprus for Protection of Gas Fields, Enhancing Regional Human Security”

The US military has established a maritime security zone in Cyprus to safeguard human security in the region’s gas waters. President Joe Biden announced the authorization of military forces to ensure security in cooperation with allies. Operations will commence with the support of partner countries, lasting several weeks. The initiative is based on Cyprus’s invitation to the “Amalthea” project, aiming to create a humanitarian assistance zone in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Around the Globle

Armenia and Cyprus Strengthen Diplomatic Ties with New Representation Opening

Armenia and Cyprus will establish diplomatic representation, further deepening bilateral relations. The countries emphasize warm ties and close cooperation, including assistance to Armenian patients. UN cooperation and exploring new avenues, like the liberalization of the visa regime, are also discussed. Cyprus’ support on Nagorno-Karabakh and political matters brings Armenia closer to the EU. Armenian Ambassador invited to visit Cyprus, highlighting strong cooperation.

International Politics World News

“Armenia and Cyprus Forge Closer Ties: External Affairs Ministers Set to Meet and Address Press”

The meeting between the foreign ministers of Armenia and Cyprus is expanding, followed by a joint press conference. Stay updated with for more details.

“Prime Minister Netanyahu Visits Cyprus Amid Protests Following HAMAS Commander Assassination”

Benjamin Netanyahu visits Cyprus president Anastasiades amid protests after HAMAS commander’s assassination. The Israeli Prime Minister is updated on investigations, briefed by Israeli security.

“Fedelta Group Limited Set to Acquire Full Ownership of MTS Armenia as National Commission Approves Transfer”

Cyprus company, Fedelta Group Limited, plans to acquire “MTS Armenia” CJSC. The National Commission in Armenia approves the transfer. “MTS Armenia” CJSC will no longer be part of the “MTS” group. The transaction has no obstacles and will be allowed by the National Security Service. The actual shareholders of “Fedelta Group Limited” are unknown.

“Armenian, Hungarian, and Cypriot Special Forces Unite for Joint Military Exercises in Attica”

Armenia, Hungary, and Cyprus conduct joint military exercises in Attica. Demonstrations of rapid deployment, diving operations, and small-scale special operations were practiced. This cooperation program began in 2023.