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Coordinating Council

Around the Globle

“Artur Hovhannisyan Exposes Shocking Truths: Demarcation Process in Tavush Reveals Political Motives”

Artur Hovhannisyan presents statements from “Civilian Contract” protest movement regarding border demarcation in Tavush. He criticizes the government’s handling of the issue and calls it a “palace coup.” Hovhannisyan emphasizes the need for clarity and accountability.

International Politics World News

“Putin Urges Armenia to Rethink Opposition’s Call to Leave: Warns of Counterproductive Path”

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin urges Armenia to reconsider its decision to go outside the country as he believes it is a mistake. He emphasizes the importance of reciprocal relations and cooperation with Russia. The Russian Foreign Ministry also discourages the Armenian opposition from relying on the West and emphasizes that this decision goes against the true national interests of the country. There are ongoing discussions and questions regarding the decision-making process in Armenia.

“Prime Minister of Armenia Absent from Critical National Security Meeting: Sparks Concerns over Leadership”

Armenia’s Prime Minister, Suren Papikyan, skipped a crucial meeting of the Civil Contract Party’s Coordinating Council, responsible for national security. The PM’s absence was confirmed by his spokesperson, Aram Torosyan.