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Human Rights International Politics

“Head of Committee for Artsakh’s Rights Advocates for Self-Determination and Collective Rights in Meetings with Officials and International Representatives”

“Vardan Oskanyan and committee members meet Artsakh authorities to discuss protecting collective rights. The path ahead may be challenging, but work continues to defend Artsakh people’s self-determination. More details in today’s newspaper issue.”

Around the Globle

Committee on Urban Planning Holds Meeting with Construction Companies to Discuss Ongoing Projects and Solutions

The Committee on Urban Planning met with construction company directors to discuss ongoing projects and solutions to problems. Chairman Vardanyan emphasized the importance of efficiency and responsibility in executing high-quality work. Non-compliance will result in strict sanctions, while contractors meeting standards will receive support. Communication channels will be established to resolve any issues, and additional measures will be taken to improve organization and coordination.


“Armenia’s Bold Move: Aligning with Moscow as the Last Resort for Protection?”

Armenia aligns with Moscow to separate from Russia, according to Grigor Karasin. He warns that besides Russia, no other country safeguards Armenian interests and assets. Historical, blood ties, and security make Russia the most dependable partner for Yerevan.

“Prime Minister Pashinyan Appoints Artur Vardanyan as Chairman of Nuclear Safety Committee, Ensuring Public Protection”

Armenian PM appoints Artur Vardanyan as head of nuclear safety committee. Vardanyan’s appointment follows the law and government decree.

“Civil Contract Party Nominates Nune Hakhverdyan for High-Ranking Position in Armenia’s Committee on Television and Radio: Selection to be Discussed on December 5”

The selection of a National Assembly Committee on Television and Radio member will be discussed on December 5. The “Civil Contract” party nominated Nune Hakhverdyan, a journalist and media analyst. Hakhverdyan has extensive experience in the field and is fluent in Armenian, Russian, and English.