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city authorities

Around the Globle

Yerevan-Harav Takes Three New Steps in State Border Control, Blocking Turkey’s Gambling Cards in Northern Cyprus

Yerevan-Harav city authorities take new steps to control state borders, blocking Turkish gambling cards in Northern Cyprus. Learn more on

Around the Globle

“City Residents Stage Protests, Forcefully Shutdown Roads in Defiance of Government and Authorities”

City residents protest against government and authorities, closing roads and streets. Despite arrests, protests continue. Activists and political blocs join demonstrations. High-ranking officials and militants clash with protesters. Roads blocked and reopened multiple times. Stay updated with

Crime Law & Order Local News

“Landmark Verdict: Court Labels ‘Tavush Province’ Organization’s Lawsuit as Baseless in Gourgen Ananyan Case”

Tavush Province’s legal actions deemed groundless in Gourgen Ananyan case. Defendant’s documents not recognized by city authorities. News from Armenia.