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Global Affairs Human Rights

“Exclusive: The Guardian Exposes Human Rights Abuses and Ethnic Cleansing in Azerbaijan Ahead of COP 29, Calls for International Intervention”

The Guardian reveals human rights abuses, censorship, and ethnic cleansing of Armenians in Azerbaijan ahead of COP 29 in a new exclusive article. The country’s repressive regime and expulsion of 100,000 people from homes are highlighted, along with calls for international intervention and protests by human rights activists.

Around the Globle

“Foreign Archbishop Questions Armenian Church’s Relationship with the Pope and Censorship”

Mikayel Archbishop Ajapahyan questions the connection between Pope and Armenian Church, highlighting the absence of Artsakh during Pope’s visit. He further discusses the Church’s obligation to pay taxes, emphasizing their exemption. Find out more on

Armenian Intellectual Elite Challenges Government in “Cat and Mouse” Game: Uncovering Unaddressed National Issues

In this article, Vahe Hovhannisyan discusses the need for Armenians to take responsibility for their own history and embrace change. He highlights the difference in public administration between Armenia and Azerbaijan, emphasizing the importance of strategic cooperation with neighboring countries. Additionally, Hovhannisyan calls for a change in mindset and approach to global issues.