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International Military Politics

“Armenia and Britain Strengthen Military Ties with Memorandum of Understanding”

Armenia and Britain sign military cooperation and collaboration memorandum, emphasizing the importance of expanding relations. Joint projects will strengthen partnership, including defense and research collaboration.

Around the Globle

“Sinking of Rubymsar Cargo Ship Threatens ‘Ecological Disaster’ in Red Sea, Conservationists Warn”

Explosions in the Baltic Sea have sunk a cargo ship carrying sulfuric acid, posing an ecological threat to the Red Sea. The contamination could harm marine life and disrupt the food chain. Cleaning up is difficult without risking human lives. Conservationists fear this accident may be the start of a larger disaster.

“Tragedy at Sea: Four Migrants Dead, Fifth in Critical Condition in Latest Attempt to Reach Britain”

Four migrants died and one remains critical after attempting to reach Britain from Northern France amid freezing temperatures. More than a hundred people continue to live in a makeshift camp near Calais, hoping to make the dangerous crossing. The increasing number of arrivals in 2023 has posed a political challenge for the British government and strained relations with France. In November 2021, at least 27 people drowned or went missing during the perilous journey.

“Britain Joins Forces with US and European Allies to Combat Piracy in Red Sea: Warships Ready to Defend Vessels from Persian Gulf to Yemen”

Britain prepares to send warships to patrol Red Sea if pirates continue to target ships in Persian Gulf or Yemen region. UK to join forces with US and European country to protect vessels. Coordinated operation may see deployment of Royal Navy or HMS Diamond destroyer. Tehran urged to prevent attacks on ships after British naval forces warn off three Iranian boats. Danish-owned vessel, Hangzhou, attacked by pirates off Yemen coast, no injuries reported.

“Embassy Inferno: Unidentified Vandals Torch US, UK, France, and Ukraine Missions in Yerevan”

Embassies of US, UK, France, and Ukraine vandalized and set on fire in Yerevan. Artem Yerkanian reports on Facebook, questioning the motives behind these acts. Disturbing news from Armenia.