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border guards


“Border Demarcation Advances: Armenia’s Ambassador to the OPCW Remains Silent on Regulatory Authorities and CSTO Involvement”

Border guards advance in border demarcation phase, while Armenia’s Ambassador to the OPCW denies Azerbaijani arrival and CSTO involvement in war preparation. Stay updated with on Telegram for more news from Armenia.

Breaking News Politics World News

Mysterious Wells Installed Near Border Raise Concerns: Are They Surveillance or Boundary Markings?

Boundary markers installed near village spark concerns among villagers, while another well appears in the inner part of the river. Road passing through the area remains closed as security measures are reinforced. National Security Service plans to install boundary markers according to defined boundaries in the coming days. Detailed works required in the Kirantsa area. New transit road to be built in the next few months. Stay informed with on Telegram.

Around the Globle

“Escalating Tensions at Armenian-Azerbaijani Border as Military Presence Grows”

Intensified military presence in Tavush village, Armenia, sparks anticipation of a border clash with Azerbaijan. Borders established, deadline set for May 15. Stay updated with’s news on Telegram.

Politics World News

EU Representative Toivo Klaar Urges Action on Russian Border Guard Violations, Emphasizes Need for Diplomatic Process

Toivo Klaar, the EU representative, emphasizes the need to address the issue of Russian border guards violating the ceasefire agreement in Karkotis. The EU wants substantial negotiations for the ceasefire, border guard withdrawal, and communication channels. Klaar believes progress is hindered by obstacles but hopes for a positive result soon with political will from both Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“Prime Minister Suren Papikyan Commends Border Guards and Instructors During Inspiring Visit to Military Academy”

Armenia PM Suren Papikyan visits border guards’ academy, meets leadership and instructors. Strengthening military and educational programs discussed.

“Russian Ambassador Warns of Worsening Situation in Southern Caucasus if Russian Military Withdraws from Armenia”

Russian Ambassador to Armenia warns that the withdrawal of Russian military may worsen the situation in the Southern Caucasus and lead to a new war. He highlights the importance of Armenia’s access to Iran for its security. The ambassador assures that Russia has a strong defense system in the region. Though he refutes the idea that Russian withdrawal would be fatal, he emphasizes the potential for positive developments in colonization and Armenian-Russian relations.

“Border Guards Bust Smuggling Operation: 20 Containers of Cigarettes Seized in Aragatsotn Province”

Border guards in Aragatsotn province detained a vehicle with 20 containers of smuggled cigarettes. The driver and passenger were arrested and an investigation is ongoing.