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Bagrat Srbazan


“Former Prime Minister’s Brother Joins Protest Movement: ‘I am not happy with what Armenia has become,’ says Avetik Khachaturian” – correspondent reveals his decision to join “Taush is the homeland of the fatherland” movement in an open letter to the government

Former Prime Minister Vahagn Khachaturian’s brother, Avetik Khachaturian, joins “Taush is the homeland of the fatherland” movement in protest of the economy, according to Avetik stated his dissatisfaction with the state of Armenia in a letter to the government. A rally led by Bagrat Archbishop Galstanyan will take place in Republic Square on May 4. Stay updated with on Telegram.

Culture Entertainment Religion

The Stars of the Film “Destiny” Unite with Tavush Leader in Powerful Movement

The actors of “Destiny” film joined Tavush movement led by Bagrat Srbazan. Srbazan thanked them for their contribution. Mher Mkrtchyan and other beloved individuals were also present. The crowd chanted patriotic slogans. Latest news from Armenia on Telegram.

Around the Globle

“Members of ‘Tavush is the Homeland’ Movement Reach Yerevan After 4-Day March: A Call to End Incessant Bloodshed”

Members of the ‘Tavush is the Homeland’ movement completed their march in Yerevan today. Led by Bagrat Srbazan, they will spend the night in Solak village. The march aims to draw attention to ongoing negotiations and calls for an end to the bloodshed in the region.

Around the Globle

“Pilgrimage to Yerevan Gains Momentum as Newcomers Rally Behind Leader Bagrat Srbazan”

Newcomers, visitors, & tourists showing support for Bagrat Srbazan on the pilgrimage to Yerevan. Father Bagrat’s “Tavush belongs to the Fatherland” movement leaders appointed spokesperson Gegham & activist Suren. Today, the pilgrimage passes through Sevan Peninsula.

Human Rights Military Politics

“Bagrat Srbazan Joins Forces with Igor Khachaturov in Support of Armenian Armed Forces – March Towards Yerevan Gains Momentum”

Bagrat Srbazan supports Armenian Armed Forces. The march began in Kirants village, passed through Sarygyugh and Ijevan, and participants stayed near Geghard Monastery. They demand an end to political persecution and unilateral concessions.


“Massive Support as Tavush Joins ‘Keep the Tradition Alive’ Walk to Yerevan: Bagrat Srbazan and Supporters Continue Journey to Dilijan Center”

Tavush joins the “Keep the tradition alive” movement, walking to Yerevan. Bagrat Srbazan leads the walk to Dilijan Center, supported by a choir and dancers. City residents join the walk, showing solidarity. The journey started from Kirants village, passing through Sari village, Ijevan, and spending the night near Haghardzin Monastery. Notable participants include Suren Petrosyan, Garegin Danielyan, Artur Sargsyan, “Haykavay” youth members, and relatives of fallen soldiers. The walk aims to reach Yerevan on May 9th, presenting demands for preserving national identity and reunifying war-affected families.

Politics Social Media

“Freedom” Movement Joins Forces with Bagrat Srbazan in Protests Calling for Political Unity to Oust Pashinyan and the CPP

Join the “Freedom” movement’s protest led by Bagrat Srbazan for a crucial cause. Unite against Pashinyan and the CPP for a political struggle. Former PM Hrant Bagratyan shares his views on Facebook. Stay updated with News from Armenia –

Government Politics

“Leader of Tavush Team, Bagrat Srbazan, Makes Powerful Statement as Demands for Government Change Echo Across Armenia”

Bagrat Srbazan leads Tavush team to Sarigyugh village after Sunday’s march. Participants, including “Civil Contract” alliance members, demand government resignation and an end to one-party rule. Next stop: Yerevan on May 9.

Local News Politics

“Local Resident Questions Ownership of Tavush Lands: ‘If They Weren’t Ours, Why Did You Come and Drink Coffee?'”

Bagrat Srbazan questions why people who don’t consider the Tavush lands to be theirs still enjoy its amenities. He highlights the dishonesty of those profiting from the area and urges people not to be deceived. The article provides insight into the ongoing debate surrounding the ownership of these lands.