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Baghramyan Square

Around the Globle

“Minister of Healthcare Provides Update on Baghramyan Square Protests: 8 Still Hospitalized, Including Amputee, as Inquiries into Excessive Force Continue”

8 individuals remain hospitalized after the events in Baghramyan Square. The Minister of Healthcare, Anahit Avanesyan, confirmed their condition and stated that one person had successful surgery. The actions taken were aimed at preserving public order. Numerous injuries were reported, including one protester losing an eye and a journalist sustaining foot injuries. Overall, 101 civilians and police officers sought medical assistance.

Breaking News Crime Politics

“Shirak Archbishop Ajapahyan Visits Baghramyan Square Amidst Violent Clashes, Offers Support to Injured Civilians”

Michel Archbishop Ajapahyan visited Baghramyan Square as announced by the Ministry of Defense. The situation escalated with clashes, tear gas usage, and injuries, including a protester losing a hand. Civilian injuries resulted from tear gas use.


“Supporters of ‘Save Tavush’ Movement Rally for Third Consecutive Night in Baghramyan Square, Demanding Change”

Supporters of the “Save Tavush” movement led by Bagrat Srapanyan are camping at Baghramyan Square for the third day, blocking nearby streets. Srapanyan urges more people to gather for an important coordinated action, demanding change. Come and join them in this decisive fight. #SaveTavush #Protest


“Tavush is the Homeland” Movement Embarks on Hunger Strike: Leader Galstanyan and Citizen Activists Spend the Night in Baghramyan Square

Members of “Tavush is the Homeland” movement, led by Bagrat Arkhipiskopos Galstanyan, began a hunger strike after spending the night in Baghramyan square. They also watched a film during the night. On June 9, Bagrat Srbazan called for a quick resolution and urged everyone to show their determination.

Local News Politics

“Baghramyan Square Prepares for Epic Rally: Join the Movement on the 12th of the Month and Witness History”

Attend the rally at Baghramyan Square on the 12th at 15:00 for potential life-changing experiences. Bagrat Srbazan urges citizens to join and emphasizes the significance of their presence. Reporters have kept the square closed for 24 hours. Stay updated with on Telegram.

Around the Globle

“Human Rights Activist Emphasizes Importance of Determination and Collective Action in Baghramyan Square Protest”

The importance of steps and the number of people for success is highlighted in a meeting with activist Ishkhan Gevorgyan in Baghramyan Square. Gevorgyan emphasizes the possibility of achieving more and overcoming limits. However, he also addresses the challenges he faces. Stay updated with on Telegram.