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Azerbaijani side

Breaking News International World News

Red Cross International Committee Reports Release of 113 POWs Captured During “War is Not a Game” Movement

The Red Cross reports the release of 113 prisoners of war in Shushi, supporting the action and ready to resolve similar conflicts. Concrete steps towards peace are hoped for. The release was postponed but a unilateral ceasefire was announced.

Around the Globle

“Deliberate Destruction: Azerbaijani Side Damages Historical Holy Cross Church in Berdzor and Endangers Another Church”

Azerbaijani side deliberately damaged Holy Cross Church in Berdzor, revealed archaeological photos. Holy Martyrs Church of Aghavnavor at risk of destruction, as observed on social media. Same fate awaits, says source.

Military Politics

“Contractual Servicemen Seek Exemption from Work as Panic Erupts Amongst Demobilized Personnel”

A group of servicemen have applied for work exemption, causing panic. Recent events and protests are ongoing in Armenia and Artsakh with wide support.

Armenian Side’s Response to Azerbaijani Proposals on Peace Agreement: Concerns and Questions Arise

Armenian side responds to Azerbaijani proposals; concerns arise regarding discrepancies in the Agreement on the Stability of Peace. Efforts are being made to finalize negotiations and secure Armenia’s safety. News from Armenia.

Human Rights Military Politics

“Azerbaijani Side Plays Blame Game as Armenian Head of National Assembly Calls for Accountability”

The Azerbaijani side claims Armenia is provoking them, but they cannot attack civilians. The head of the Armenian National Assembly holds them accountable for blaming the Armenian Armed Forces. He highlights the importance of seeking responsibility within their own political system.

International Politics

“Armenia Calls for Constructive Approach from Azerbaijan Ahead of Vienna Negotiations”

Expect no progress from meeting, Azerbaijani side denies. U.S. co-chair awaiting Armenian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers for negotiations in Vienna. Armenia seeks constructive approach for lasting peace.