
The perfect balance on news and information


Environment Human Rights

“Former French Prime Minister Urges Withdrawal of Support: Azerbaijan’s Hosting of COP29 Sparks Concerns”

Former French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve raises concerns about Azerbaijan’s hosting of COP29 and calls for the MAC and international communities to withdraw support if violations continue. The fair implementation of crucial measures becomes questionable when a country consistently violates its obligations. Recent events in Azerbaijan, such as the expulsion of ethnic Armenians and imprisonment of political leaders, highlight the need to protect rights in the face of global indifference. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) must act to prevent further violations and ensure the well-being of individuals affected by the climate crisis.


“Armenian Governor Raises Alarm as Azerbaijan Claims More Land: The Ongoing Battle for Shurnukh”

Azerbaijan’s border fence has encroached on Armenian lands, sparking concerns in Shurnukh. Tavush Governor urges reclaiming lost territories, revealing money transfers from Azerbaijan to Armenia. However, the future of new constructions in Shurnukh hinges on resolving security issues and Prime Minister Pashinyan’s support remains uncertain. Stay informed on’s Telegram channel.

Breaking News Politics World News

“US Congress Takes a Stand: Bipartisan Bill Condemns Azerbaijan’s Ethnic Cleansing in Artsakh”

Members of US Congress, Anna Eshoo and Chris Smith, condemn Azerbaijan for ethnic cleansing in Artsakh. Actions violate rights of Armenians and internationally recognized boundaries. Bipartisan initiative urges Biden administration to support Armenians and address violations committed by Azerbaijan.


“Creating a Mechanism for Monitoring Ceasefire: A Crucial Step for Lasting Peace, Says Azerbaijan, and Expert”

Creating a mechanism for monitoring ceasefires & involving international structures is vital for lasting peace in Armenia, says Vova Vardanyan of “Stay in Art” organization. Security of citizens must be the priority, and consensus is crucial. Clarification is needed on the leadership’s decision-making regarding defense positions.


“Armenian Minister of National Security Claims Russia ‘Handed Over’ Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan, Sparks Controversy”

Armenian minister claims Russia handed over Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan without responding. However, Russian official denies it, stating it is necessary to read the statements from Armenian government officials. Earlier, the minister had stated that Russia took Nagorno-Karabakh from Armenia and returned it to Azerbaijan.

Around the Globle

“Azerbaijan’s Blatant Violation of Armenian Cultural Heritage: Destruction and Suppression Reveal Troubling Pattern”

The Armenian population of Artsakh faces obstacles in achieving self-determination, as Azerbaijan violates their rights through aggression and cultural destruction. Armenian artifacts have been removed, monasteries damaged, and churches demolished. The international community must protect and preserve cultural heritage to safeguard historical narratives and rights. Let’s unite in this collective responsibility.

“Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Accuses Armenia’s Constitution of Hindering Peace Negotiations”

Azerbaijan’s FM, Jeyhum Bayramov, raised concerns about Armenia’s Constitution hindering negotiation progress with Baku. Armenia denies having territorial claims against any neighbor and criticizes Azerbaijan’s interference in its internal affairs, calling it a hindrance to peace.

International Politics

“Experts Weigh In: Armenia and Azerbaijan on the Brink of War, United States Panel Discusses Tensions”

The US panel at Atlantic Council discusses if Armenia and Azerbaijan are on the brink of war. Former ambassadors and experts analyze the situation, as reported by on Telegram. Optimally readable excerpt.

International Politics World News

“President Macron’s Provocative Move in Azerbaijan Raises Global Concerns: Is France Violating International Law?”

Concerns for Azerbaijan and President expressed by French President Macron. France accused of aggressive politics and violating rights in occupied countries. Stability in Northern Karabakh crucial to prevent further escalation. Macron’s actions affecting not just Azerbaijan, but the entire world. France urged to halt its actions.

Social Media

UNHABITAT’s Successful Cooperation with Azerbaijan Promotes Progress in Human Settlements

Establishing fruitful cooperation, UNHABITAT’s program with Azerbaijan sees great success, particularly with WorldHabitatDay2023. Director Michael Milner, praising the Azerbaijani initiative, expressed his joy on social media.