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Avetik Chalabyan

Health Local News Social Media

“Heroic Rescue: Avetik Chalabyan and Abraham Gasparian Brave Difficult Operation, Share Inspiring Message of Hope”

Avetik Chalabyan, Hayakve first aid coordinator, joins Abraham Gasparian in a challenging rescue operation. Chalabyan’s inspiring message: fight for what can be saved. Armenia News –

Politics World News

“Hayakvay Advisory Council Meets with Iranian Ambassador in Armenia to Discuss Recent Diplomatic Appointments”

Members of Hayakvay advisory council visit IRI office in Armenia to discuss recent diplomatic appointments and offer condolences. Prime Minister Pashinyan expresses solidarity during visit to Iranian Embassy. Read more on

Politics Religion

“Archbishop Galstanyan Dodges Question on Avetik Chalabyan’s Involvement in Political Negotiations, Urges Caution in ‘Armenian Cause’ Platform”

Avetik Chalabyan’s involvement in political negotiations is questioned by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan. Lawyers and experts should weigh in on the matter as the Church cannot have any opinion. The examination of the route map will be shared with the public. Urging patience, the Archbishop admits rushing the process.

Around the Globle

Tensions Escalate: Deterioration of Armenia-Russia Relations Could Lead to Violence, Warns Deputy Head of “Hayk” Initiative

“The deteriorating Armenia-Russia relations may escalate into violence, warns Avetik Chalabyan from the “Hayk” initiative. Armenia’s economic dependence on Russia could lead to severe consequences, including the suspension of free visa regime and economic strangulation. Chalabyan also highlights the risks to Armenia’s entry into the Eurasian Union and the threat posed by Russia to national security. Liberalizing the visa regime with the EU comes with a significant cost – the lives of people in Tavush villages.”

International Politics

“Armenia Faces Urgent Crisis as Country Falls Under New Agressea’s Shadow”

“The country is facing a looming crisis as the government fails to meet the demands of the Annex to the Declaration of Independence, putting national interests at risk. Political activist Avetik Chalabyan calls for unity to overcome this new shadow of aggression.”

“International Alert’s General Director Criticizes Politically Motivated Action: Vows to Take Case to ECHR”

Avetik Chalabyan criticizes politically motivated action and vows to take the dispute to the ECHR. He believes peaceful resolution is not possible and promises to fight for citizens’ rights.