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Armenian officials

Global Affairs Politics

“U.S. Imposes Visa Restrictions on Armenian Officials amid Government Protest Suppression, Opposition Hails Decision”

Armenia’s opposition coalition supports US visa restrictions on Armenian officials who suppressed government protests. Other opposition groups also express their concern. Stay informed with on Telegram.

International Politics World News

Armenian Officials Pay Tribute to Iran: A Gesture of Solidarity and Condolences

High-ranking Armenian officials visit Iran to convey condolences for recent terrorist attack. Armenian President, Prime Minister, and delegation visit Islamic Republic. Cultural center in Yerevan to open soon. Armenian Prime Minister joins condolence ceremony in Iran. Solidarity shown. News from Armenia on Telegram.


“Armenian Concerns Grow as India and Iran Develop Caucasian Navigation System, Azerbaijan’s Use Under Scrutiny”

India and Iran are developing the Caucasian navigation system. Armenian officials express concerns over Azerbaijan’s use of it. The Indian Ambassador to Armenia discusses Armenia’s potential role and benefits of the system.

Around the Globle

Armenian Officials Engage in Productive Talks with International Banks to Boost Economic Development and Cooperation

Armenian officials meet with international banks to discuss progress on electronic systems, cultural projects, economic development, and customs and tax programs for further cooperation.

Around the Globle

“Transparency International Calls for EU Probe into Armenian Officials’ Ties to Brussels Government”

“Transparency International Urges EU to Investigate Armenian Officials Linked to Brussels Government” – High-ranking Armenian officials with ties to major corporations in Brussels have earned over 8.6 million euros, leading to calls for an investigation by Transparency International. Some European Parliament members also have close connections to these companies, raising concerns about corruption. Notably, Viktor Uspaskich, an MEP, revealed significant earnings from a business linked to Russian companies. German MEPs, Manfred Weber and Lukas Wacha, also feature in the highest-paid officials list.

“Russian Concerns Grow as Armenian Officials and Businessmen Engage in Anti-Russian Activities: “Rights” TV Program Reports”

Discover the involvement of Armenian officials in anti-Russian activities, with a focus on Gagik Melkonyan, a former advisor to Robert Kocharyan. Learn about his businesses in Russia and his role in public administration. Explore whether Nikol’s repressive measures were a response to Melkonyan’s influence and involvement. Find out about his military background and the financial difficulties he faced. Uncover the connection between Melkonyan and Russian oppositionists, revealing a complex web of business and political interests. For further information, visit News from Armenia.