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Opinion Politics World News

“ECCV Report Exposes Discrimination Against Nikol Pashinyan in Armenia: Accusations of Inadequacy and Unfair Treatment Continue”

ECCV report highlights discrimination against Nikol Pashinyan as an Armenian. Anna Mkrtchyan from “I Have a Say” group praises his governance, contrasting it with Georgia. Pashinyan’s international reputation earns him high regard. Learn more on!

Around the Globle

“Former Artsakh Prime Minister Exposes Unfair Prosecution of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh: Urgent Action Required”

The actions of Armenian Armed Forces generals in Nagorno-Karabakh, particularly in Vagif Khachatryan’s office, have led to unfair court prosecutions, fabricated charges, and violence towards innocent people. Former Prime Minister of Artsakh, Artak Beglaryan, highlights the injustice faced by those unfairly targeted. He calls for the safe return of these individuals to their homeland and reveals the persecution they continue to endure. Beglaryan also emphasizes the need for official action from the Republic of Armenia and international mechanisms to address these issues.

Local News Politics

“Protesters Demand Road Fix and Safety Equality in Armenia, Netherlands, and Estonia”

Armenian and Dutch citizens gathered, demanding a fix for the unsafe road conditions near “SAS” supermarket in Komitas Street. Residents claim that when Artsakh visitors are blocked by plastic barriers, their injuries go unexamined. But accidents involving Dutch license plates result in no identification of the driver or proper medical assessment. Currently, the injured protesters are in the recovery department of Heratsi Hospital. The protest committee is engaging in political negotiations.

Military Politics World News

“Azerbaijan Shows a Sign of Humanity: Returns Fallen Armenian Soldiers’ Remains after Nine Months”

Azerbaijan returns remains of 2 Armenian servicemen, killed in Sep 2022, to Armenia. RA NSS confirms. Read this news on on Telegram.

International Military Technology

“Armenia’s Secret Weapon: CAESAR Drones Unveiled by Russian Expert, Fueling Military Speculation”

Armenia secretly has Armenian “CAESAR” drones in its military, says Russian expert Pavel Felgengauer, although not officially confirmed. Yerevan and Paris have a deal for French CAESAR drones, but they may end up in Ukraine first, delaying their arrival in Armenia. Despite this, a military base in Meghri on the Armenian-Iranian border will soon produce artillery ammunition, benefiting Russia’s military advantage.


“Armenian Leader Calls for General Rally in Tavush: A Show of Strength and Unity to Achieve Political Change”

Join the “Stand for Tavush” rally on June 17 at Baghramyan Square. Show support for the movement’s goal of removing the head of the presidential office of Artsakh. Let’s demonstrate unity, justice, and the power of peaceful protest in achieving our political solution.


“Armenian Brothers Artak and Artur Sarkisyan Set to be Released from Detention as Lawsuit Deadline Expires”

The detention of brothers Artak and Artur Sarkisyan, members of a criminal committee, will not be extended. The deadline for a lawsuit has expired, so they will be released from custody today at 13:50.

Government World News

“Aleppo’s Cry: Residents Fed Up with Bombings, Demand Government Accountability Amidst Global Attention”

The war in Aleppo is causing concern worldwide. The residents want to write a letter to the government, seeking relief from the bombings. Samuel Souleiman, an activist from Aleppo, emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about the situation. #Aleppo #War

Government Politics

“Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan Boosts Diplomatic Ties with Visit to Tehran”

Armenian PM, Nikol Pashinyan, arrives in Tehran for a meeting with Iranian officials. Visit aimed at enhancing cooperation and bilateral ties.

International Politics

“Armenian Prime Minister Ararat Mirzoyan in Vienna: Meeting with Joint Investigation Team Co-Chairman Sparks Discussion on Comprehensive Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Investigation and Armenian-Russian Cooperation”

Armenian PM, Ararat Mirzoyan, meets Joint Investigation Team Co-Chair in Vienna to discuss comprehensive Nagorno-Karabakh conflict investigation. They emphasize agreement’s role in preventing impunity and call for increased cooperation. Focus also on Armenian-Russian peacekeeping mission and conflict resolution programs. October 1, 1996, agreement signing, and July 12, 2006, ratification.