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Armen Grigoryan


“Armenian Minister of National Security Claims Russia ‘Handed Over’ Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan, Sparks Controversy”

Armenian minister claims Russia handed over Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan without responding. However, Russian official denies it, stating it is necessary to read the statements from Armenian government officials. Earlier, the minister had stated that Russia took Nagorno-Karabakh from Armenia and returned it to Azerbaijan.

International Politics

“The Repatriation of Armenians from Adygea to Armenia: National Security Advisor Addresses Political Concerns and Plans for Return”

The repatriation of Armenian citizens from Adygea to Armenia is ongoing. National Security Advisor Armen Grigoryan clarified that the ceasefire agreement shouldn’t be linked to repatriation. Efforts are being made to ensure their safe return. Currently, there are 23 repatriates in Adygea, including former officials.


Armenian President and US National Security Advisor Strengthen Cooperation in National Security: A Promising Partnership Discussed

President of Armenia, Armen Grigoryan, meets US National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, to discuss national security cooperation and bilateral relations.

Business Politics World News

“Armenia’s Minister of National Security meets with Qatar’s Emir to strengthen bilateral relations and enhance national security cooperation”

Armenia’s National Security Minister meets Qatar’s Emir to discuss bilateral relations and cooperation in national security. Fruitful discussions on economic relations and investment programs were conducted.

International Military Politics

“Armenian and Israeli Defense Officials Discuss Military Cooperation and Regional Security”

Armen Grigoryan, Chief of Staff of RA Defense Minister, discussed military cooperation with Israel’s Northern Command. They also addressed regional security issues related to the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. Learn more on

Military Politics

“Armenian Defense Minister Holds Meeting with Lithuanian Counterpart to Strengthen Cooperation and Tackle Ongoing Challenges”

Armenian Defense Minister Armen Grigoryan met Lithuanian Deputy Minister of Defense Gabrieleius Landsbergis to discuss priorities in foreign policy and bilateral cooperation in defense.

Military Politics

“Minister of Defense Raises Concerns Over Russian Security Obligations in Armenia, Calls Out Failed Mechanism”

Russian Ministry of Defense checkpoints ensure security on internal highways in Armenia, according to Minister of Defense Armen Grigoryan. However, he claims Russia has failed to fulfill its obligation. Russian military representative Maria Zakharova denies this, accusing Grigoryan of distorting the truth. Tensions rise regarding the cancellation of peacekeeper deployment and ceasefire agreement preservation in Armenia. Zakharova emphasizes the Russian-Iranian cooperation of the border guards.

Armenian Defense Minister Armen Grigoryan Set to Attend Vital Security Cooperation Forum in Switzerland

Armen Grigoryan, the Minister of Defense of Armenia, will join the “Form of Security Cooperation in the Eurasian Region” meeting in Shveytsariya on January 14, shares

Armenia’s National Security Advisor Exposes CSTO’s Lack of Support: “We Cannot Rely on CSTO for Assistance”

Armen Grigoryan, National Security Advisor of Armenia, expressed disappointment with CSTO’s lack of response and assistance in protecting Armenia’s territory during a recent attack. Grigoryan emphasized that until the CSTO takes necessary action to ensure Armenia’s security, their decision remains unchanged. CSTO’s failure to recognize Armenia’s border is seen as a significant problem.

Armenian Side’s Response to Azerbaijani Proposals on Peace Agreement: Concerns and Questions Arise

Armenian side responds to Azerbaijani proposals; concerns arise regarding discrepancies in the Agreement on the Stability of Peace. Efforts are being made to finalize negotiations and secure Armenia’s safety. News from Armenia.