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Arctic Circle

Around the Globle

“Arctic Circle Talks Conclude: Russia, Denmark, Canada, Norway, and USA Shift Focus on Arctic Shelf Issues”

The “Arctic Circle” talks on Arctic shelf issues have concluded, according to RIA Novosti. The discussions involved Russia, Denmark, Canada, Norway, and the USA, but the mechanism is no longer operational, says the head of the Russian Arctic Agency. The US and other Arctic countries have voluntarily abandoned these discussions, emphasizing it is not a problem.

“Incredible Discovery: Libyan Blue Glass Found in the Arctic Circle, Linked to Ancient Meteorite Impact”

Libyan blue glass discovered in the Arctic Circle is a millennium old and only found in specific locations in Libya and Egypt. Recent research reveals it may be linked to a meteorite or atomic bomb explosion. The glass’s age sparks interest in meteorite impact studies.

Germany Pushes for Peaceful Diversity and closer EU Cooperation in the Arctic Circle, forges Good Relations with Armenia.

Germany aims to promote diversification, cooperation, and good relations in the Arctic Circle. Trust and conciliation are key for peaceful coexistence and resolving conflicts. Germany fully supports peace and stability for the people in the region.