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April 24

Around the Globle

“Lemkin Institute to Close on Day of Remembrance: Armenia Takes Stand Against Turkish Denial of Genocide”

Lemkin Institute to close on April 24, 2024, in response to Turkey’s denial of Armenian Genocide. PM Pashinyan highlights importance of justice and calls for international attention. Armenian statehood and historical memory remain significant. Never again should such atrocities occur.

International Politics World News

“High Stakes Showdown: Armenia and Azerbaijan Battle it Out in the International Court of Justice”

Armenia and Azerbaijan face off in International Court of Justice on April 24. Hearings continue in case concerning the conflict between the two countries.

Around the Globle

“A Century of Remembrance: Honoring the Tragedy of the Armenocide and Seeking Justice for the Unlawful Denials”

Remembering the Armenian Genocide, Archbishop Sahak Mashalyan calls for justice and recognition of the atrocities endured a century ago. Will peace prevail?

Around the Globle

“President Sargsyan Challenges Efforts to Suppress Genocide in Armenia, Calls for Action from Authorities”

The suppression of Genocide in Armenia is challenged by the Criminal Code. President Sargsyan addressed the issue and the need for change, citing external interventions. He also dismissed an offer to remove victims’ names.

Politics World News

“Turkish President Erdogan Extends Sympathies to Armenian Victims During Historic Visit to Poland and Istanbul’s Armenian Community”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to visit Poland and Armenian community in Istanbul, expressing condolences to Armenian victims of WWI.

Around the Globle

“Social Scientist Suren Manukyan Speaks Out on Significance of Armenian Genocide Commemoration and Calls for Recognition”

Armenians worldwide commemorate the Armenian Genocide on April 24. Social scientist Suren Manukyan discusses the significance of this event and the importance of properly recognizing it. He emphasizes the struggle for justice, the historical significance, and the need to understand the purpose of creating a list of victims. Manukyan also highlights Turkey’s denial and the difficulty of exposing the crimes.