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Around the Globle

“National Assembly Approves Crucial Amendments and Additions to Key Laws in Landmark Session”

The National Assembly session adopted draft laws on amendments to civil service and accounting chamber laws. They also discussed draft laws on military service, municipal governance, and education. Stay updated with on Telegram for all the latest news from Armenia.

Government Law & Order Politics

“Parliament Debates Amendments to Public Service Laws and Civil Servants’ Work and Compensation”

The Parliament is discussing amendments to the “Law on Public Service” and related laws. The draft aims to regulate work and remuneration of civil servants, preventing them from combining positions. It also addresses transparency issues in the public service. The draft was accepted for the first reading.

Government Law & Order Science

“Ministry of Justice Proposes Amendments to Law on Judicial System; Impacts Scientific Services, International Organizations, and Transportation Services”

The Ministry of Justice proposes amendments to the Law on Judicial System, affecting scientific services, international organizations, and transportation services related to diplomatic relations. More details in today’s newspaper. News from Armenia.

Education Government

“Government of Armenia Unveils Draft Amendment to ‘Law on Education’ – Public Opinions Welcome till March 17”

The Armenian government has proposed amendments to the “Law on Education” that will affect the appointment and qualifications of education department heads. These changes aim to establish criteria and mechanisms for the implementation of new education management systems. The public can provide their feedback on the proposed amendments until March 17. Stay updated with

“Prime Minister Approves Measures to Implement Amendments and Additions to State Budget Law in Armenia”

The Prime Minister of Armenia has approved measures to implement amendments to the “Law on the State Budget.” This decision follows the acceptance of relevant articles and government decisions. Read more on