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Around the Globle

“Prime Minister Pashinyan Reviews Chief of Staff’s Achievements and Progress in Reforms for 2023”

Read about Prime Minister Pashinyan’s introduction to Chief of Staff’s activities for 2023. Learn about achievements, reforms, and international cooperation.

Social Media

UNHABITAT’s Successful Cooperation with Azerbaijan Promotes Progress in Human Settlements

Establishing fruitful cooperation, UNHABITAT’s program with Azerbaijan sees great success, particularly with WorldHabitatDay2023. Director Michael Milner, praising the Azerbaijani initiative, expressed his joy on social media.

Around the Globle

“Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine Showcases 70 Years of Achievements in Groundbreaking Exhibition: BANVOR. EPUR EXPO-2024”

Discover the history and achievements of Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine at “BANVOR. EPUR EXPO-2024” in Yerevan. Learn about Armenia’s telecommunications giant and its impact on education, research, and metallurgy. Explore the importance of advanced technology and skilled human resources in this evolving field. Embrace the potential for progress and growth in the region.

Around the Globle

“Former Deputy Minister of Defense of Armenia Warns of Extremism’s Threat to Azerbaijan Amid Political Crisis: Aleppo’s Insights and Potential for Armenia’s Role as Mediator with Iran and Moscow Revealed”

Former Deputy Minister of Defense of Armenia, Araqik Harutyunyan, highlights the need for political stability in Azerbaijan to prevent extremism. He discusses Armenia’s efforts in military cooperation with Iran and Moscow, but stresses the importance of maintaining good relations with its neighbors. Harutyunyan also suggests that Armenia can play a role in mediating between Iran and Moscow. He emphasizes the need for Armenia to seek natural allies for its own survival and calls for greater humanitarian work to elevate Armenia’s global standing.


“Putin Stresses Importance of Attracting Those who Value Russia’s Achievements and History”

Russia aims to attract those who value its history and achievements. President Vladimir Putin stressed the importance of preserving national harmony, cultural identity, and language. This serious statement emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to migration policy.

Around the Globle

“Science and Art: The Powerhouses Behind Armenia’s Triumphs in 2018 and Beyond”

The power of science and art brought success to Armenia in 2018, helping them overcome war. Levon Kocharyan emphasizes the need for work and understanding to solve the ongoing problem, urging citizens to join the cause. Personal appeals and social platforms play a crucial role.

“Bargavaj Hayastan President Gagik Tsarukyan Sends Inspiring New Year’s Message of Hope and Renewal”

Gagik Tsarukyan, president of “Bargavaj Hayastan” organization, sends a hopeful New Year’s message, emphasizing the revival of Armenian Artsakh. To achieve peace and prosperity, he calls for eliminating corruption and providing assistance to displaced citizens. Tsarukyan aims to contribute to his country’s development and help those in need. He believes that the nation’s patriotism and unity will overcome challenges in 2024. Congratulations and best wishes for joy, peace, and prosperity are shared in his concluding message.

“Armenia’s Minister of Health Reflects on Challenges and Victories, Looks ahead to Bright New Year”

Armenia’s Minister of Health, Anna Aghajanyan, reflects on last year’s challenges, unity, and cooperation in a New Year message. She extends congratulations and gratitude to healthcare workers, urging hope and positivity for the year ahead. News from Armenia, read more on

“Armenia’s Time Challenge: Reflecting on Achievements and Trends”

Discover the challenges Armenia faces and how time plays a significant role in its development. Learn why Yerevan’s management system is struggling, and find out about the demands of the “Mother Armenia” and “National Renaissance” groups. Witness the power of new approaches and the need for change. Stay updated with Armenian News.