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Government Politics

“Closed Meeting between ‘Tavush is the Homeland of the Fathers’ Movement and Holy See of Etchmiadzin Sparks Controversy and Political Divide”

The “Publication” newspaper reported on a closed meeting between the movement “Tavush is the Homeland of the Fathers” and the leadership of the Holy See of Etchmiadzin. The meeting, which took place yesterday, included the participation of various political figures, such as the Republican Party of Armenia, “Heritage,” “The Country of the Possible,” Paruyr Hayrikyan, Artashes Geghamyan, “ADP,” “HHI,” and the “Homeland Salvation” movement. However, representatives from the “Prosperous Armenia” and “Bright Armenia” parties were absent.

Previously, “Civil Contract” party leader Edmon Marukyan had a meeting with the leadership of the Holy See. Marukyan expressed his concern about former members’ participation, stating that the waters cannot run in one direction. However, the Republican Party representatives actively participated in the meeting, expressing their opinions.

During the meeting, various issues were discussed, including the movement’s mistakes and problems arising from previous participation. There was a particular emphasis on the need for immediate action regarding the movement’s leadership. The movement is currently updating its strategy, with developments in the country influencing its course of action.

If Prime Minister Pashinyan decides to change the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia in line with Aliyev’s initiative, the movement will be reactivated with renewed energy. This could result in demonstrations and protests against the authorities.

For more detailed information, please refer to today’s issue of the newspaper.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.