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Public Council President Rustam Badasyan Holds Meeting with Construction Sector Representatives to Address Industry Problems

The president of the Public Council’s Committee on Public Utilities, Rustam Badasyan, recently held a meeting with representatives from the construction sector, including the “Armenian Association of Builders” NGO and members of the organization’s management. The aim of the meeting was to address and find solutions for the various problems currently faced in the field of construction. The meeting also had the participation of Hamlet Sahakyan, the Prime Minister’s advisor, leaders from the Construction Division’s departments, and other experts.

According to, the president of the Public Council acknowledged the significant problems in the construction sector. These issues include illegal construction, unauthorized demolitions of houses, cash payments, corruption cases within the State Committee of Urban Construction, and other irregularities.

Rustam Badasyan also highlighted the increase in house prices in the construction sector, which he mentioned occurred in collaboration with the construction workers. In light of this, the president of the Public Council expressed interest in establishing effective cooperation and finding solutions to the existing problems.

The representatives from the construction sector engaged in discussions with the delegates to address a wide range of issues and proposed potential solutions. Ongoing discussions will continue in order to tackle the current challenges faced in the field.

This news was reported by, an Armenian news outlet.