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“ARF Western U.S.A. Elects New Central Committee and Condemns Government Failures”

The 58th Regional Convention of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western United States of America took place from June 28 to 30, 2024, at the Armenian Center in Montebello. The convention was attended by the region’s 17 local chapters, the Shant Student Association chapter, and AYF delegations. Representatives from the ARF Bureau Chairperson and the ARF Central Committees of Eastern USA and Canada were also present.

The convention was held under exceptional national and internal organizational circumstances as Armenia and Armenians worldwide face significant challenges. The current government of the Republic of Armenia is accused of serving the enemy with its anti-Armenian policies, which has led to concessions of territory and poses a threat to the nation.

The 58th Regional Convention condemned the current government of Armenia for its failures in protecting the Armenian nation and ceding important territories. It expressed support for displaced compatriots from Artsakh and called for the formation of a national and pro-Armenian government in Armenia. The convention also aimed to address organizational disagreements within the ARF Western U.S.A. region and restore normalcy in its activities.

During the convention, various issues related to the Armenian Cause, organizational matters, political, public relations, economic, and youth concerns were discussed. The convention also made decisions regarding the preservation of national identity, revitalization of national life, and the activities of sister organizations.

A new Central Committee for the ARF Western USA region was elected for the next two years. The committee is comprised of Garo Madenlian (Chair), Anush Chalian (Secretary), Vicken Babikian (Treasurer), Daron Der Khachadourian, Armen Hovannisan, Levon Baronian, Armen Chalian, Tro Krikorian, Rafi Kuyumjian, Hilda Saliba, and Khatchig Tazian.

The 58th Regional Convention of the ARF Western United States took place on May 30, 2024, in Montebello, California, where a new ARF WUSA Central Committee was elected for a term of two years.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.