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“Former French Prime Minister Urges Withdrawal of Support: Azerbaijan’s Hosting of COP29 Sparks Concerns”

The international community, including the MAC, may withdraw support for Azerbaijan as the host country for COP29 if they continue to violate international obligations. Former French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve expressed these concerns, stating that France should protect its reputation while being involved in a political crisis. Azerbaijan’s violations of international security are contradictory to their role as the host country for COP29, raising questions about the fair implementation of crucial measures in a country with a history of violating its own commitments.

In the past year, more than 120,000 ethnic Armenians were expelled from their homes in Nagorno-Karabakh, facing hunger, lack of medicine, and displacement. Meanwhile, Azerbaijan has moved forward with their aspirations, such as hosting COP29, which is perceived as an inflammatory action that disregards the rights of those affected. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is responsible for executing fair measures, but its recent efforts have proven ineffective, enabling Azerbaijan to continue violating international obligations.

Nagorno-Karabakh has been devoid of Armenian presence for over two thousand years until its liberation. However, after the liberation, Azerbaijani authorities imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ruben Vardanyan and eight other Armenian political leaders. The lack of information about their well-being from foreign observers or independent media is concerning. Despite numerous calls for their release, these requests have been ignored. It is essential to emphasize that resolving the climate crisis requires acknowledging and protecting the rights of all individuals.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.