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Around the Globle

– “Renowned Art Critic Vahagn Melikyan Praises Newly Established Art Community in Tavush” – “Armenian Diaspora Initiator: Tavush Movement Transcends War, Embraces Rich History” – “Artistic Creativity Thrives in Tavush Amidst Unprecedented Situation” – “Tavush Art Community Celebrates Joy and Struggle Beyond War” – “Armenian Art Critic Highlights Importance of Syunik for Armenia’s Future”

We are excited about the rich history of our newly established art community. During a meeting with Goris residents, the initiator of the movement of the Armenian Diaspora, art critic Vahagn Melikyan, mentioned Tavush. He spoke about the principles of modern art theory and the countless opportunities it presents for artistic creativity. Melikyan emphasized that this movement is much more than just a war; it represents a great struggle and embodies spiritual values. He also highlighted the importance of finding counterbalances and maintaining peace amidst conflicts.

Melikyan further expressed concerns about the current situation, where there is a lack of mechanisms to prevent serious conflicts. He pointed out that the region of Syunik plays a vital role in the larger program and should be protected. He warned against the danger of destroying Syunik, as it would have severe consequences for Armenia. He stressed the significance of standing on two secure feet, with Artsakh and Syunik serving as the foundation for stability.

It is crucial to recognize the multifaceted nature of this movement and to appreciate its contribution to the art community. The art community in Tavush has become a beacon of hope and joy, showcasing the talent and resilience of the Armenian people. With the dedication and creativity exhibited by artists in this region, there is immense potential for growth and development. The exploration of theoretical knowledge and the utilization of artistic skills are key in achieving the goals set by this movement.

Melikyan’s words serve as a reminder of the importance of unity and the need to protect cultural heritage. By fostering connections and promoting understanding, we can overcome conflicts and work towards a brighter future. The challenges we face require us to think critically and consider the long-term implications of our actions. Let us embrace the spirit of this movement and support the art community in its endeavors to make a lasting impact.

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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.