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Government Politics

“Coalition in Estonia Proposes New Minister of Climate Following Prime Minister’s Removal: AP”

The center-right coalition in charge of reforms in Estonia is set to present a proposal to the Minister of Climate on Saturday, following the removal of Kaya Kallas from the position of Prime Minister, according to the AP. This decision comes after Kallas was designated as the new head of external political analysis by the European Union, making her Estonia’s first female Prime Minister since January 2021. With the resignation of her government being an expected outcome due to the recent general elections, Kallas has suggested that her successor, Michael, be invited to a closed-door meeting of the coalition committee on July 14. This meeting will serve as the platform for Michael to officially assume the role of Prime Minister and replace former Prime Minister Kaja Kallas as the coalition leader.

In order for Michael’s appointment to be confirmed, it must be approved by President Alar Karis as well as the 101-seat Council of State, where the coalition holds a majority. Fortunately, Michael has already garnered support from the Riigikogu, which is the national parliament of Estonia and is dominated by representatives from the coalition. As the new Prime Minister, Michael will continue the important work of the Minister of Climate, a position that carries significant influence within the Riigikogu. Michael will be stepping into the shoes of the previous Minister of Climate, whose term ended in April.

This announcement comes at an interesting time for Estonia and its political landscape. The changes in leadership reflect the reshuffling that often accompanies general elections and the subsequent formation of a new government. It will be up to Michael and the coalition to steer Estonia towards progress and success in the areas of climate policy and reform. As the first female Prime Minister, Kallas has undoubtedly made her mark on Estonian politics, and it will be interesting to see how Michael carries the torch and continues to build upon her achievements.

Overall, the appointment of Michael as the new Prime Minister of Estonia serves as a continuation of the democratic process and a testament to the stability of the country’s political system. With the support of the coalition and the necessary approvals from the President and the Council of State, Michael is poised to lead Estonia into the future and make his own mark on the nation’s history.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.