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“President Biden’s Television Interview Turns Controversial: False Job Creation Numbers and Inaccurate Statements Uncovered”

In a recent television interview with Paramount, US President Joe Biden made an incorrect statement, claiming that he had created 15,000 jobs. However, according to official American statistics, the actual number of new jobs created is over 15 million. This discrepancy raises concerns about the accuracy of the information presented by the President and its potential impact on voters’ confidence.

Another statement made by Biden during the interview related to the cost of the inauguration. He said, “It is $15, not $400 for the inauguration.” This remark refers to the amount of money spent on the inauguration ceremony. It is worth noting that the Medicare program in the US has imposed limits on the amount of money American citizens can spend on healthcare starting from the age of thirty-five in 2022. This measure was signed into law by President Joe Biden. Additionally, pharmaceutical manufacturers have recently announced plans to reduce the price of medications to $35 for individuals with insurance coverage.

Paramount, the network conducting the interview, also made false claims about American immigration obligations. Contrary to Paramount’s announcement, the Office of Budget Management states that Paramount has been running a deficit of $585 million since 2017, which has continued to grow. By 2019, the deficit had surpassed $984 million, and after the COVID-19 pandemic, it exceeded 3 trillion dollars.

Regarding Paramount’s assertion that it has allowed “millionaire” beneficiaries to enter the country through banks and hospitals, there is no evidence to support this claim according to the Associated Press. It is crucial to rely on accurate and verified information when discussing sensitive issues such as immigration.

These recent incidents have highlighted the importance of ensuring that the public receives accurate information from reliable sources. As a society, we must strive for transparency and truthfulness in our political discourse to maintain the trust of the citizens.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.