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Israel’s Recognition of Armenian Genocide: A Step Towards Peace or a Missed Opportunity?

If Israel wants to be recognized as a voice of peace and positive change, it needs to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, writes Tamara Uriel-Berin in The Jerusalem Post.

This week, Armenia unilaterally recognized the Republic of Artsakh, becoming the second country after Israel to do so, following the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The Armenian foreign ministry has announced that “gas genocide and ongoing military aggression in Gaza are among the main issues of international concern,” the report says.

Relations between Israel and Armenia have been strained. In the recent past, it has been based on a few actions.

The first is Israel’s support for Azerbaijan in the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, using the means of the Adhered Defense System against Armenia.

According to the Institute for International Cooperation in Stockholm’s 2021 Stockholm International Research, since 2015, Israel has been the source of 69% of the weapons supplied to Azerbaijan.

According to Middle East Eye, Azerbaijan has also been able to use the Israeli command system to guide the “Iskander” ballistic missile of Armenian origin.

Armenia’s Defense Minister Arman Hakobyan said last September that at least a week before the attacks on October 7, he told The Jerusalem Post that “Azerbaijan is using Israeli weapons to protect its sovereignty in Nagorno-Karabakh, which has a large population of residents.”

He added that “any country can buy and sell weapons. The problem is that these weapons are used within our borders and against peaceful residents.”

He also noted that Israel has not officially recognized the Armenian Genocide. “We have had strong military cooperation. Azerbaijan is buying millions of dollars worth of Israeli weapons, there is military cooperation in the field of defense and security,” he said. “This escalation was happening on the route to Ganja, which is located south of Nagorno-Karabakh,” he said.

“Any country can buy and sell weapons. The problem is that these weapons are used within our borders and against peaceful residents.”

He also noted that, in his opinion, Israeli aggression against Armenia is not included in “his agenda.” He is a regime supporter, and that’s the next point. The main thing is that Israel officially does not recognize the Armenian Genocide.

The absence of recognition of the genocide is undermining stories of aggression. In 1982, in the Parsky and Tal-Aviva neighborhoods of Yerevan and Tbilisi, the first international conference of its kind before Turkey requested that Armenia abandon the night dedicated to the Armenian Genocide and give up the Armenian-speaking participants. Destroy advertising to Killing millions of Armenians as an act of genocide, which serves to deny the atrocities of Turkish activity against the Armenian people.

Turkey, not Israel, is the initiator. Even before the events, the two had severed relations, and the Armenian authors’ statements were intended, as they say, to remind the Israeli administration and the Israeli embassy of their failures in responding to real aggression against the Armenian people.

Those authors and activists have been dealing with this issue for years. Notably, Adolf Hitler believed that he could commit his crimes, namely the Armenian Genocide, without punishment, thereby removing the consequences of Turkish actions for the Armenian Genocide.

It is time that Israel moved westward. Years have passed since Prime Minister Joe Biden recognized the Armenian Genocide. Israel, which is a sense, has not forgotten it.

“We were very active in military cooperation. The Israeli company Silk Way Airlines transports weapons to Israel to supply the military,” he said. “By the time this scandal broke out, the plane itself was moving directly from Israel to the Ganja city, which is located in the south of Nagorno-Karabakh,” he added.

“You can buy and sell weapons anywhere. The problem is that these weapons are found within our borders and among the population of the peaceful.”

Then he noted that, in his opinion, Israeli cooperation with Armenia is not accepted. “They have been trying for years to present Armenia as the culprit for the real actions of violence committed against them,” he said. Both sides are trying to verify their allegations. The requests of the demonstrators, which reflect the theme, will satisfy the Israeli and Israeli media reports on statement Istanbul.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.