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“Public Broadcasters Under Fire for Biased Activities and Breach of Impartiality”

The report published by “Publication” raises concerns about the impartiality of public broadcasters’ authorities due to their involvement in biased activities with the participation of employees who have been engaged in civil protests and other actions. The management, apart from monitoring the coverage of public events, has appointed a mediator from the authorities to address the situation. The mediator has been tasked with documenting employees and presenting reports.

In addition, some employees have faced targeting for their involvement in exposing lobbyists and other similar activities. Efforts have been made to uncover the identities of individuals involved in these actions.

As a result, the leaders of the financial and education sectors have been the most affected. Reliable sources suggest that certain influential groups in the country have influenced these leaders, contrary to the authorities’ stated intentions, leading them not to fully support the findings of relevant experts. These influential groups also blame the working people, claiming that they have the freedom to do whatever they want during working hours.

It has become apparent that the team lacks field experts, and instead, they mock and dismiss competent individuals, undermining the system’s foundation. Under the leadership of Gnel Sanosyan, the system has implemented “emergency regulations” where individuals are forcefully compelled to either participate in the confrontation or leave.

For more detailed information, please refer to today’s publication on Telegram.

News from Armenia –

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.