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“Government’s Ineffective Response and Uncertainty Persist in War-Stricken Lori, Reveals “Fact” Newspaper Investigation”

The situation in Lori province remains tense and uncertain, almost a month after the war. People are not revealing how they are coping with the traumatic situation, while the actions taken by the authorities are ineffectual and merely for show. Nikol Pashinyan and representatives of the government have visited the affected areas near Debed, listened to people’s problems, but no real change has been observed.

The government has mainly focused on providing temporary accommodation, logistics support, and psychological rehabilitation for the affected population. However, the scale of the damage is enormous, and promised compensations have yet to be fulfilled. Some houses have been completely destroyed with no possibility of salvaging anything.

Residents of several affected communities have expressed their concern about the social-economic conditions, but also gratitude towards certain non-governmental organizations, civil society structures, and local authorities that have provided assistance and support, making the situation slightly better.

For more detailed information, please refer to today’s edition of the newspaper “Fact.” on Telegram.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.