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Explosion Rocks Yerevan Street, Leaves Vehicles Damaged and Civilians Injured

On June 27, at 00:28, the National Crisis Management Center received an emergency call reporting an explosion near building 54B on Acharayan Street in Yerevan. The explosion was suspected to be caused by a gas leak and resulted in injuries to civilians.

The Rescue and Firefighting Unit of the Yerevan Municipality’s Rescue and Firefighting Department promptly responded to the incident, according to information provided by the Rescue Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Armenia to

Reports indicate that vehicles of the brands “Opel” (driven by R. G.), “BMW” (driven by A. S.), and “Nissan” (driven by G. Gh.) were damaged in the explosion. Fortunately, there were no reports of injured civilians.

Rescuers successfully extinguished the fires on the “Opel” and “BMW” vehicles and provided necessary assistance to the drivers. The injured individuals have been transported to a medical center for treatment and care.

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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.