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“Braving the Elements: Cyclists Complete Tour Amidst Severe Weather Warning!”

We have just completed a cycling tour and are eagerly awaiting the next one, which is set to begin on June 29. Gagik Surenyan, the head of the “Hydrotherapeutic and Monitoring Center” at the National Polytechnic Center, shared details about it on his own page.

Prior to this, the center had issued a warning about the formation of a hot and dry area in the Sev Lake region, due to wind circulation. This phenomenon is expected to occur from the evening of June 26 until the night of June 27, covering the entire territory of the country, with a particular impact on the northern and central parts. The regions of Lori, Tavush, Gegharkunik, and Syunik can expect temperatures above the normal range.

During this period of dry weather, strong winds blowing at a speed of 25-30 m/s are predicted. Moreover, the air temperature is expected to rise by 5-7 degrees from the evening of June 26th through the 27th.