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“Secret Surveillance Uncovered: Vehicles of ‘Tavush is our ancestral land’ Movement Members Allegedly Monitored for Weeks, Hidden Devices Found”

The “Hraparak” newspaper has reported that vehicles belonging to certain members and supporters of the “Tavush is our ancestral land” movement have been under surveillance for almost a month by their organizers. When these vehicles are noticed, the individuals driving them are questioned about their purpose and closely observed. According to the organizers, the vehicles are not being thoroughly checked as they should be, as there may be hidden devices inside them.

After being under surveillance, these vehicles return to their owners and become their constant “companions.” However, investigations into these incidents have not yet been completed. Reports have emerged of incidents occurring in state institutions and local authorities. Garnik Danieleyan, a spokesperson for the “Armenia” alliance, has stated that bugs have not only been installed in vehicles but also in phones. He revealed, “Efforts have been made to counter the actions of the movement’s supporters and members, and bugs have been installed in phones for several hours or even days.”

Lawyer Ruben Melikyan has also expressed that he has received information indicating that eavesdropping devices have been installed in the vehicles belonging to members of this movement. Melikyan commented, “There have been instances where vehicles belonging to citizens have been monitored without any legal basis, and vehicles involved in technical surveillance have been declared under monitoring, despite this being only an examination.”

Our source within the law enforcement system advises citizens to remain vigilant and inspect the vehicles and phones they use, both as a precautionary measure and out of caution.

For more detailed information, please refer to today’s edition of the newspaper.