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“American Congressmen Rally for Preservation of Armenian Cultural Heritage Amidst Ongoing Destruction in Artsakh”

On June 25, Congressman Adam Schiff, along with 47 other American Congressmen, sent a letter to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, expressing concern about the destruction of important Armenian cultural, historical, and religious sites in Artsakh. The letter, reported by, highlights the urgent need to preserve these invaluable locations. Chairman of the Board of the American Armenian Congress, Marian Khachatrian, praised the joint efforts of the Congressional Representatives and emphasized the threat posed by Azerbaijan’s ongoing aggression. The letter calls on the administration to take immediate action to address this issue and protect the Armenian cultural heritage.

The letter also emphasizes the importance of raising awareness among the American public regarding the destruction of Armenian cultural sites and the systematic cleansing of the region. It specifically mentions the removal of Armenian headstones and the destruction of historical sites by Azerbaijani military forces. The authorities are urged to prompt the United States State Department to take more vigorous steps and engage with the Azerbaijani government to address these concerns. The letter concludes by calling for an immediate cessation of Azerbaijan’s destructive actions and the preservation of the region’s extraordinary history.

In addition to the letter to Secretary Blinken, there is also a request to the Pentagon to take bold measures to stop Azerbaijan’s aggressive actions and to engage with the Azerbaijani government at all levels. The letter stresses the importance of protecting the Armenian cultural heritage and history from Azeri forces and their allies. Furthermore, the letter urges the authorities to support a petition that seeks to address the cleansing of Armenian cultural heritage and historical genocide.

The joint effort of the Congressional Representatives highlights the crucial importance of preserving the Armenian cultural, historical, and religious sites in Artsakh. It is clear that immediate action is needed to address the ongoing destruction and protect this valuable cultural heritage. The public awareness and engagement called for in the letter are essential in ensuring the preservation of these sites for future generations.

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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.