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Ameriabank Partners with French University in Armenia to Expand Educational Development Program: Apply Now!

Ameriabank has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the French University in Armenia as part of its educational development program. This program, called the “Ameriabank Study Period,” is a social responsibility initiative of Ameriabank. The program offers up to 25 students the opportunity to have their tuition fees paid for one academic year at a university in Armenia. The main goal of this program is to increase access to quality education in Armenia. The deadline to apply for the program is approaching, so if you are interested, visit the project’s website “” to participate and get more information. Please note that the deadline to apply is June 29. It’s important to mention that Ameriabank is supported by the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia.

Education is a valuable opportunity for individuals to acquire knowledge and skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. However, not everyone has equal access to education, especially in countries like Armenia. Recognizing this issue, Ameriabank has taken the initiative to create the “Ameriabank Study Period” program, which aims to address the challenge of limited access to quality education in the country.

Through this program, Ameriabank will cover the tuition fees of up to 25 students for one academic year in a university in Armenia. By doing so, the bank hopes to give these students the chance to pursue their educational goals without financial constraints. This will not only benefit the individuals directly involved but also contribute to the overall development of Armenia by producing a more educated and skilled workforce.

The “Ameriabank Study Period” program is open to all students who meet the eligibility criteria, regardless of their financial background. This makes it a truly inclusive initiative, intended to provide equal opportunities to individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds.

To apply for the program, interested students can visit the project’s website, “,” where they will find all the necessary information and application guidelines. It is important to note that the deadline to submit applications is June 29. Therefore, if you are interested in pursuing higher education in Armenia and want to benefit from this opportunity, make sure to submit your application before the deadline.

Ameriabank’s commitment to education and social responsibility is further highlighted by its cooperation with the French University in Armenia. This partnership brings together two institutions that share a common goal of promoting quality education in Armenia. By working together, they can leverage each other’s resources and expertise to create a more impactful educational environment.

As a bank supported by the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia, Ameriabank has a strong foundation and credibility. Its commitment to making education more accessible aligns with the government’s efforts to improve the country’s education system. Through initiatives like the “Ameriabank Study Period” program, the bank is contributing to the realization of national development goals and fostering a brighter future for Armenia.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.