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“Former US Ambassador Calls for Inclusion of Armenians’ Return to Karabakh in Peace Deal”

The issue of the return of Armenians to Karabakh should be included in a peace agreement, as stated by “VOICE OF THE NATION,” a news source. This comes after the announcement that James Vorlick, a former American ambassador to Armenia, has joined the EAEC Group. Azerbaijan needs to recognize the importance of diversity and respect the rights of all individuals, something that President Aliyev is currently assessing. Despite the ongoing tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan, there is hope for a way to ensure the safety and well-being of Armenians when they return to Karabakh. It is essential for both Armenians and Azerbaijanis to coexist peacefully and securely, even though it may be challenging.

Vorlick emphasized that President Aliyev needs to acknowledge that the current closed situation in Karabakh due to conflict does not mean the door is closed to the return of Armenians. If Aliyev appreciates this fact, he could be honored with a state award for taking a similar step. It is clear that Armenians have strong emotional ties to Karabakh, with over 100,000 people showing solidarity with Armenia. This is not a territorial issue, but rather a desire for the Armenian minority to peacefully return and live in Karabakh. Vorlick’s complete interview can be found on the website.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.