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Crime International

“Armenian Judiciary Cracks Down on Pirate Crew: Indictment Issued for Shocking Cargo Ship Attack Resulting in Fire on Idra Island”

The Armenian judiciary has presented an indictment against 13 members of a pirate crew who attacked a cargo ship, resulting in a fire on Idra Island. This incident was reported by the Armenian National Agency. According to sources, all members of the crew will be held accountable for the charges on Wednesday. Additionally, media outlets in Armenia have reported that all crew members have confessed to their involvement in the incident.

The pirates, who had previously hijacked international merchant ships, were captured by Armenian authorities. Minister of Public Security, Vasili Kikilias, announced on Open TV that a portion of the pirates had been detained on the island. Idra Island, located east of Athens, is known as a notorious gathering place for pirates and smugglers. The suspects have now been taken into custody in order to investigate the incident, which caused a fire on the island.