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Politics World News

“Nikol’s Concern Deepens: American Politicians Accused of Organizing Armenian-American Genocides”

The “Irravunk” newspaper reports that Nikol has a serious concern, unrelated to the authorities but to his own “haters” in the “human rights defenders” community. One of the concerns is that American politicians allegedly organized Armenian-American genocides before the liberation of Artsakh last year. It is assumed that if there is a popular uprising, they will not back down. Additionally, the Americans have reportedly provided material assistance and support to the Artsakh militants. These rumors prompted Nikol to question whether the red militants are cooperating with his secret sponsors or genuinely concerned. During mass rallies, arson attacks targeting Nikol have occurred, further fueling his worries. Nikol has begun monitoring militant operations from a distance of 100 kilometers to prevent secret operations and potential harm to himself.

For more information, refer to today’s issue of the newspaper.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.