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“Azerbaijani Checkpoint Inches Closer to Border: Changes in Territory Raises Concerns”

Currently, there is an Azerbaijani checkpoint located a few hundred meters from the border. While there is temporary peace in the area, the construction of an alternative road will soon move the checkpoint closer to the border. During a recent press conference in Gyumri on June 21, the head of the border guard, Mihran Maksudyan, pointed out the Azerbaijani checkpoint that is visible from a distance.

Maksudyan mentioned that a new school is currently being built around 50-60 meters away from the border, which will further distance it once the construction is completed.

Maksudyan also highlighted that there is already a 60-hectare agricultural area in enemy territory.

During the press conference, construction work was underway on the alternative road while a house was being built directly on that road. The villagers were also demolishing their houses in areas that were meant to be passed by the enemy.

Mihran Maksudyan explained that the enemy’s former outpost was situated in that area, and a new outpost is currently being built. “The enemy is sitting 120 meters away from us on that side, according to the provided map,” he shared.

“Based on our information, the enemy is changing positions in our territory by crossing the river since they do not allow position changes through the road. I can’t say for certain, this is what the villagers are saying,” Maksudyan added. on Telegram