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“Armenia Considers Membership in Eastern Partnership of EU, Calls for Public Discussion”

Representatives from various sectors, including civil society, politics, and analytical circles, along with four political parties, have proposed organizing a public discussion in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. The purpose of this discussion would be to address the declaration of Armenia’s membership in the Eastern Partnership of the European Union. Aram Sargsyan, the president of the “Republic” party, made this announcement during parliamentary hearings on June 21.

Sargsyan believes that the people of Armenia should express their views on the country’s development, particularly with regards to democracy. He stated that Armenia will have both general and parliamentary elections, which will be held with the consent of the people. In addition, he pointed out that Moldova will be having a referendum on joining the Eastern Partnership of the EU.

Sargsyan proposed holding the preliminary elections in Armenia before the elections in Moldova and Georgia, suggesting a date of September 21. He emphasized the significance of this date, as it marks the declaration of Armenia’s independence in 1991. By doing so, Armenia aims to position itself as a bastion of democracy, not only in the South Caucasus region but in the global arena as well.

Sargsyan discussed the potential implications of declaring independence, emphasizing that it would lead to a safer and more secure Armenia. He also mentioned that this declaration could lead to partial recognition of Armenia by Russia, Turkey, and Azerbaijan in terms of external political support.

Overall, these proposals and discussions highlight Armenia’s aspirations towards democracy and its desire to establish its place within the European Union’s Eastern Partnership. This is an ongoing development that will shape the future of Armenia’s political landscape.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.