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“EU Takes Aim at Russian Tourists: New Sanctions Will Restrict Access to European Resorts”

The Dutch Minister of External Affairs, Hanke Bruins Slot, announced during a press conference that the new 14th package of EU sanctions will restrict Russian tourists from entering European resorts. Bruins Slot expressed his satisfaction with the agreement reached with Russia on these sanctions, which include measures such as reducing Russian military presence and limiting Russian tourists. Consequently, the entry of Russian tourists and access to services will be restricted in compliance with the regulations set by the Russian sanitary and epidemiological service. Bruins Slot emphasized the importance of continuing to implement new sanctions against Russia, stating that this would have an impact on the Russian military machine.

Overall, these new EU sanctions aim to increase pressure on Russia. By restricting the entry of Russian tourists into European resorts, the EU hopes to send a strong message to the Russian government. Additionally, the reduction in Russian military presence is seen as a crucial step in deescalating tensions in the region. The Dutch Minister of External Affairs, Hanke Bruins Slot, believes that these measures will have a significant impact on Russia and hopes that further sanctions will continue to be implemented.

The restriction on Russian tourists is directly linked to the norms established by the Russian sanitary and epidemiological service. These norms, aimed at safeguarding public health, require certain limitations on travel and access to services. As a result, Russian tourists will face difficulties when trying to visit European resorts, as they will have to comply with these regulations. This move highlights the seriousness with which the EU takes the issue of public health and its commitment to ensuring the well-being of its citizens and visitors.

Hanke Bruins Slot, in a Twitter post, expressed his support for these new sanctions and their potential impact on the Russian military machine. By imposing restrictions on both Russian tourists and military presence, the EU aims to exert economic and political pressure on Russia. It is clear that the EU views these sanctions as an important tool in addressing the various challenges posed by Russia. Moving forward, it is likely that the EU will continue to explore additional measures with the goal of further influencing Russian policies and actions.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.