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Yandex Go Launches “Let’s Help Together” Initiative to Support Charitable Organizations in Armenia

Now you can help charitable organizations in Armenia using the Yandex Go application. Users of the new “Let’s Help Together” section can choose how much money they want to donate for assistance, which will increase the current value of transport assistance. At the end of each month, Yandex Go will contribute the collected amount, thereby increasing its contribution to charitable organizations.

To start helping, users of the Yandex Go application in the “Let’s Help Together” section choose the amount of the donation – 10, 30, 50, 100 or 500 drams. After selecting the amount, the user is subscribed to the donation, and the amount is added to the value of each transport trip. In order to work, when ordering, it is necessary to choose the payment method, indicating the bank card linked to the application. Subscription to donations can be joined and canceled at any time in the “Let’s Help Together” section, which is located on the left side of the application.

Ashot Sargsyan, the head of “NICA Foundation”, remarks, “We are launching the “Let’s Help Together” initiative so that each resident of Armenia can become socially responsible and start helping. Our problem is to develop Armenian NGOs and increase the volume of assistance provided to them. The list of services offered by this mechanism is targeted at the development of the industrial sector. All collected means will be transferred to the NICA foundation to finance their programs. Each month, all funds collected will be transferred to the foundation’s partner NGOs. The total amount will be used to finance each organization according to their needs. All organizations have passed a thorough audit, and Yandex Armenia will provide financial support to their programs every month. We invite you to become part of our country’s social life.”

Narine Manukyan, president of the “Armenian Mothers” NGO, notes, “Now the “Let’s Help Together” program can be activated in all cities where Yandex Go is available. In Armenia, there are more than fifty of them: connect to this mechanism by following the link below to increase the amount of assistance provided. Connect.”

By the end of 2023, Yandex Armenia launched a sustainable development program and started providing free services to these four charitable organizations and their beneficiaries. Each month, charitable organizations receive financial support for their projects based on their needs. The cooperation between Yandex Armenia and the founding organizations has also implemented one of our important projects. We provide monthly vouchers for the financially affected families of the organization. The program includes children who have physical disabilities, have been suffering from blood diseases for more than 25 years, and do not have the opportunity to receive rehabilitation services in centers. The program participants receive comprehensive services, including psychological and social support.

“Sight of Smiles” charitable foundation improves the quality of life of children with visual impairments and their families by providing services in the field of ophthalmology, education, and comprehensive support. “Help to Move Towards” foundation helps children with infantile cerebral palsy, providing them with rehabilitation services in a multidisciplinary center. The “Mothers of Armenia” charitable organization aims to improve the quality of life and social integration of children with autism spectrum disorders. VIVA (Armenian Doctors and Nurses) was founded in 2016. The goal of the program is to improve the quality and accessibility of medical care for children and minors in Armenia. VIVA provides various programs in medical, educational, and social care and supports socially disadvantaged families and children, including palliative care for children with terminal illnesses.

“Sit of Smile” foundation supports children and minors with disabilities in health and visual education. The foundation carries out psychological and socio-environment programs with vulnerable families and children. “Sit of Smile” is responsible for implementing programs in the field of rehabilitation for orphanages and institutions for children with disabilities.

“Help to Move Towards” foundation helps children with cerebral palsy aged 3 to 25 years, providing them with comprehensive assistance in the form of home, preschool, school, and professional education services. The foundation promotes the social inclusion of children and youth with cerebral palsy and develops inclusive education programs.

“Mothers of Armenia” is a charity foundation that has been providing social and educational support to families with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) children in Armenia since 2012. The aim of the foundation is to improve the quality of life and social integration of children with ASD and their families.

“NICA” is an NGO established to contribute to the improvement of social conditions in Armenia. The main objective of the organization is to promote inclusive and accessible social development in Armenia through targeted and systemic assistance programs and the implementation of social and medical projects. All these organizations have passed a thorough audit and provide comprehensive support to children and their families in need.

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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.