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“US Rejects Netanyahu’s Claims as Tensions Rise: Israeli Prime Minister’s Statements Contradicted by Biden’s Team”

The United States has announced that it cannot confirm the statements made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. According to a spokesperson for the White House, the US Vice President Joe Biden’s team condemned Netanyahu’s remarks about the rejection of weapons and military equipment procurement. The Prime Minister claimed that this interference affected the deployment of Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip, specifically in the central part of Rafah city. The White House spokesperson expressed confusion about Netanyahu’s comments and emphasized that nothing is being overlooked in this matter, with scheduled meetings between US and Israeli officials planned for next week.

In a separate development, the Israeli embassy in Iran has expressed concern about the frequency of their meetings with Iranian officials. The embassy’s spokesperson, Karine Zhan-Pier, informed NBC News that the details of the meetings are still unknown, but assured that nothing is being overlooked. They mentioned that a range of topics will be discussed with Israeli officials throughout the week.

Furthermore, the US Department of State revealed that, based on information from the United Nations, Israel and Hezbollah violated international human rights laws and humanitarian norms during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. The United States also stated that it is working to delay the ceasefire. Prior to this, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the US administration to convince President Biden to impose restrictions on weapon exports to Israel.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.