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“Protests at Embassies Urged as Catholicos Bagrat III Declares Demand for Justice and Peaceful Resolution”

I believe that we should protest in front of the embassies of certain countries, demanding their intervention and action. During a press conference on June 19, Catholicos Bagrat III emphasized the participants’ desire for this type of protest, stating, “If they want it, then so be it. There are other means to achieve this as well. Personally, I am not in favor of such actions. We have our own country and should focus on solving our own problems. However, it is important to address the perception of others and advocate for justice.”

When asked about how he can contribute to a peaceful resolution, whether through facilitating dialogue, imposing a state of emergency, or bringing about a different order, Catholicos Bagrat III replied, “I have previously presented this option multiple times. We are the ones who can bring about a peaceful resolution, while this person here is causing and perpetuating conflict. If something is happening under the pretext of injustice, it is necessary to stop it. How do we present the image of Kirovakan to the people living in that region? We have upheld a state of peace for a long time. Our current initiatives are tangible actions, not just obligations. We must present these initiatives as our requirements.”

He continued, “The first requirement is the reinstatement of our reservemen, the second is the right of return for the people of Artsakh, and the third is the signing of a peace treaty before proceeding with new negotiations. A peaceful resolution requires a comprehensive package that includes coordination, boundaries, and marked maps. None of this has been fully developed, so it does not constitute a true peaceful resolution but rather the discussion of one party. This process needs to come to a halt as it does not represent a genuine peaceful resolution.”

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.