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National Politics

“Markos Bagratun: A Spiritual Movement of National-Liberation, Independent and Unyielding”

This movement is a spiritual movement of national liberation, with intrinsic high values that do not have external support. Markos Bagratun expressed this sentiment on January 19, during Mamuli Asulis time. He emphasized the need for self-sufficiency in solving their own problems and highlighted the Armenian mentality as being clean, unbreakable, and aligned with national liberation movements.

According to Bagratun, their movement receives no external support and is not only challenging local authorities, but also the world at large. He mentioned how these motivators possess up-to-date information about the Western world, with various possible interpretations. He expressed his knowledge and understanding of the motives and perspectives held by the world.

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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.